There are many people who would like to volunteer but don't know how. This page is dedicated to you. Ducks Unlimited is truly a volunteer organization that would not be the success it is without the efforts of people like you! People have made DU a success.

What is a DU volunteer?

Anyone that gives time or funding to furthering the cause of the Ducks Unlimited mission. For example, anyone who sells tickets to an event, sells pre-event raffle tickets, solicits merchandise or donates underwriting money. To be clear, participation can come in many forms and your involvement can be tailored to fit the time or talents that you have to offer.

#1 reason for not volunteering?

"Nobody ever asked me."........We are now officially asking you to become a volunteer. The ducks need your help!

Requirements for Louisiana volunteers?

1) Have fun!!
2) Support the mission of Ducks Unlimited.

So, how do I become a volunteer?

Simple, click on the following link and send an email, or make one call........that's it!

Kurt Cazayoux
Cell (337) 739-4505

Kurt Cazayoux is also a volunteer for Ducks Unlimited in Louisiana and his role is to help you become a volunteer. Kurt will make sure that you are put in touch with the chapter or committee in your area, or, help you start your own committee.

Thanks for your interest in becoming a volunteer!

Contact Us

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